Thursday, September 15, 2022

changes to the itinerary

I've been combing through my itinerary and looking more closely at Naver Map to see whether I can switch my lodging from pensions—which are expensive and often require advance reservations—to motels and inns, which are cheaper and require no reservations. 

I've managed to find motels at many of the places where I stop; I have only five stops where I'll be staying at pensions, and of those five, two reservations are confirmed, with a third reservation to be confirmed later today. After that, I have to make two more reservations, and I'm done. 

With the lodging almost sorted, I can started devoting my attention to eateries: my normal routine is not to eat during my hikes; instead, I eat only once I'm done for the day—a single meal, and maybe some snacks. That's it: practically an OMAD diet (one meal a day). 

If I end up in a neighborhood where there's absolutely nothing to eat, well... I guess I'll just starve that day and eat the next day. No biggie. I can probably do two or three foodless days in a row before I run out of steam.

So that's the update for now. You can always check my itinerary here.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

Looks like it's all coming together. The prep work is almost as hard as the hiking. Almost. :)